Expert Copywriting for Women’s Health and Wellness


Are you a dedicated women’s health specialist who struggles with developing your own content marketing?

Do you struggle to find the extra time in your day to develop persuasive social media posts, blogs that entice your ideal client to take an action, or rapport-building email newsletters each month?

Finding the extra time to write your own content wasn’t something you imagined having to do as a business owner, let alone allowing it to take up precious time with the ones you love.  

You work so hard to provide the best care for your patients or customers. You empower, strengthen, and offer the best solutions you can for whatever obstacle they face. You leave your imprint on their lives and inspire change in the world.

So why take on more tasks than you need to when you can pass the baton to someone else? 

Sure, some people enjoy writing their own copy, but if you feel like:

  • you don’t have enough time in the day to provide your services and build up your online presence

  • you are using the time you should be spending with your loved ones on trying to come up with ways to market yourself

  • you have an amazing website but can’t seem to compel a client to take action

  • you’re struggling to get clients to move forward with scheduling

  • you’re unsure how to gain recognition as a Leader in your field

Then this is where I come in!  I can take this extra weight off of your shoulders and give you peace of mind. 

If you want to spend more quality time with your family, make more money, and gain more authority as a top specialist in your industry, then there are a few things that MUST be implemented:

  • Inbound Marketing Strategies to help drive new clients to you as well as help build your creditability

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimized) info on your website to boost your online rankings and make you a leader in your industry

  • A top-tiered, information-filled website to show your clients that you have the answers to the questions they are asking

I’m Christina, a women’s health and wellness copywriter and content strategist.

When we partner together to achieve your business goals, I will come up with a marketing strategy that shows your customers or patients why they should choose you. 

I write compelling copy in your voice that helps you build trust with your ideal clients and I show them the value that you can bring to their lives. 

I specialize in blogs, email sequences, newsletters, landing pages, website copy, and social media ads. So if you run a business as a:

  • Functional Medicine, Holistic, or Naturopathic Physician

  • Women’s Health Specialist (OBGYN)

  • Mental Health Therapist or counselor

  • Fertility Specialist

  • Midwife or Doula

  • Health Coach or Natural Family Planning Coach

  • Motherhood or any other women-based business

Then you are in the right place!

I strive to help women by thoroughly researching and providing accurate information that will lead them to live healthier lives, both mentally and physically. 

Mac Book computer, coffee, and treat sitting on white blanket

Why work with me?

Words are a valuable part of building a strong customer base in your industry. On average, 81% of people will search online for a web presence and read multiple reviews before moving forward with a practitioner, business, or product. They want to know that they can trust you. I can provide that trust with your voice. No slimy, dishonest marketing gimmicks. Just persuasive, conversational copy that will compel your ideal client to take action. 

I also provide in-depth scholarly research to bring the most up-to-date information to your clients. 

And I use emotionally-based copywriting techniques to invoke emotion and help your clients take action. 

Here is what you get when you choose to work with me: 

  • Search Engine Optimization so you can rank higher on Google

  • In-depth research on content topics

  • Article ideas based on your target audience

  • Title optimization based on keyword rankings

  • Formatting so it’s easy to read

  • Photography that is royalty-free

  • Edits that I will return to you error-free

  • Reliable service - I pride myself in keeping my deadlines and building a great working relationship with you

    I am passionate about helping you reach your goals and succeed in your business. Let me help you stand out in your industry!

Services and Pricing




“Christina is phenomenal! She is excellent in her work and to work with. She is reliable, creative, and delivers first-class high-quality service. I highly recommend her!!!.”

— Crystal R.

“Christina is amazing to work with! She is hard working and such a joy to be around with her infectious laugh. She is very determined, dedicated to her work, and finishes projects in a timely manner without hesitation.”

— Holly H.


“Working with Christina on my website was incredible. She came alongside me during the process of my website content. She helped me through the entire process of website copywriting. She was very quick to respond to my messages and edits and was available for phone calls too, which I felt was so helpful. Christina is professional, thorough, responsive, kind, and caring. I cannot recommend her enough!”

—KD, San Jose, CA

“I worked with Christina for over a year. She is hardworking, dependable, and goes above and beyond any expectations with ease. I could not recommend her enough. She is truly one of a kind.”

— Aaliyah C.



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  • We would start with booking a free 15-minute consultation. On this call, we would discuss all your business goals and visions. With your permission, I would record our call so that I could review it and make sure I didn’t miss anything in my notes. During our call, I will come up with a customized marketing plan to help you accomplish your goals. I will send you a proposal with your personalized plan. Once you decide on what project to move forward with, I will send you a contract and invoice and we can get started! Also note: the first project is a test project to make sure that we are a good fit for one another.

  • I would send you an invoice via email for my services, which is super simple to pay with just a click of a button. I currently accept ACH and all cards through Stripe. I charge 50% upfront to get started, and the remaining balance is due after the delivery of the first draft.

  • Yes! Certain projects like blogs and social media postings usually include photos related to the project. The images are always royalty-free.

  • I always write copy with my client's voice in mind. During our discovery call, we will discuss your vision for your business and what you’ve tried so far. Our call gives me a chance to get to know you better, your business goals, and your background. This process helps me get more of a feel for what your “voice” is. I will also do my own in-depth research on you and your brand and then I’ll have somewhere to start.

    Before we begin any project, I will send you a questionnaire specific to the project, and we will have our initial Project Kick-Off call. This will also give me a chance to dive deeper into your specific brand, which will also assist me in writing in your voice.

    I will always provide you with a chance to review what I’ve written, and in that time you will be able to request any revisions that you see fit. I do provide two rounds of revisions before completing a project.

  • Turnaround times depend a lot on the kind of project decided upon. Usually, a week is a common turnaround time for most projects but some can take longer than others. We would take a look at your needs to come up with a specific deadline.

  • No professional copywriter will EVER guarantee results. Not because we aren’t confident in our words but because Google and SEO are ever-changing. If you find a copywriter that is guaranteeing results, RUN! There are always new rules or algorithms that even employees of Google don’t know for sure. SEO is always everyone's best guess.

    What I can guarantee is that I will use SEO best practices that will provide you with every chance of ranking higher on search engines. I can also guarantee that I will write your copy with your clients in mind, and help you gain trust and authority with them.

    I consider myself a FOREVER student. I am always keeping up to date on changing SEO practices, learning new things about copywriting, and continuing to grow and master my craft.


About Me

Hi, I am Christina! A freelance copywriter and content strategist for Women’s Health and Wellness, a busy mother of 5 fantastic kids, with a professional background in the Dental and Optometry fields. And although I worked in those fields, I found myself with a passion for studying women's health. 

In my early adult years, I struggled with hormonal birth control causing severe migraines, a drop in libido, and an overflowing amount of hormones that caused mood swings that my partner didn’t appreciate—I mean who would, right? Laughing one minute, to crying the next, and don’t forget the unsolicited anger. I must have looked like a lunatic! Thankfully, with a lot of research, I found myself looking into other natural forms of birth prevention. I developed an interest in learning about natural family planning and the fertility awareness method. Tracking my fertility and getting back to the basics of learning my own body has helped me have a deeper sense of self. Then during the pregnancies of my 5 children, I was obsessed with learning all things pregnancy and motherhood. 

I love to share all the information I have learned over the years to help your clients live a healthy lifestyle. So many women are still in the dark when it comes to women’s health and all the options that are out there for them. I am ready to help you stand out as a leader in your industry by providing valuable copy that converts. I truly believe that knowledge is power. And I can’t wait to help you get the most important information into the hands of your patients. Let’s help your clients live a better life mentally, physically, and spiritually.


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